We are fortunate to have a very active UCM in the parish of Blackfen. Each year we have a Lenten lunch, which consists of soup, sandwiches and tea or coffee for £3, as well as a cake stall and a raffle. I generally skip the soup, as it's usually vegetable (of some description) and I don't do vegetable, not even as a Lenten penance. However, today it was minestrone, and Hilda fished me out a vegetable-free bowlful (I did try to tell her I was happy to go without, but she wasn't having any excuses!)

The cake stall is more my thing... I had a little more penance to do, though, as someone else snaffled my favourite cherry and almond cake from just under my nose (I'd been taking the photo of it, between the bunches of daffodils!) I duly offered it up... but don't feel too sorry for me: I happily settled for the apple sponge cake and the bread-and-butter pudding instead, as well as a few fairy cakes to accompany the cup of tea!
So Mac, is that you in the second photo?
No, Brendan... I'm the one taking the photos... behind the camera...
(Nice try!!)
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