Saturday 11 February 2012

Kindle Conundrum...

I have just been given a Kindle as a present, and it's left me with a bit of a dilemma.

Faced with all the hundreds of books I could possibly wish to download and read, I find that my mind has frozen in sheer horror, and I'm unable to do more than gibber quietly at the screen.

Something similar happened to me before - when I went to work in France, I started off by visiting a supermarket to buy some essentials. I was fine until I approached the shelves of cheese. What I really wanted was a nice piece of cheese to go on toast. Unfortunately, faced with what looked like a whole wall of cheese, none of it labelled "cheddar," my brain did somersaults and I fled.

I've downloaded the Douay-Rheims Bible, Hugh Benson's Come Rack, Come Rope, and that's it. So, now we come to the challenge. Rather than leaving this one to moulder in the com-box (because, let's face it, my lack of literary output has left my combox in a pretty parlous state) I think I'm going to start a meme...

So, here are the rules. You post the rules and a link back to the person who tagged you. You also tell them that they've been tagged on their own blog, rather than just hoping they'll discover it for themselves. Then you decide what three books are essential reading for anyone with a Kindle. Reasons would be good, but not essential. Then you tag five people.

If you haven't got a blog, you can use my combox instead. If you are worried you might not get tagged by anyone, do the meme anyway, and link back to me here, leaving a message in the combox... I'll tag you retrospectively...

They are supposed to be reading books, mind you, not reference works or prayer books.

As I'm the one starting this meme, and I'm also genuinely in need of advice, I'm not going to give my three books. Not yet. I'll reconsider when I've finished loading up my Kindle... However, I shall start by tagging The Curt Jester (because he got me started on Librivox Audio Books), Jane from the Oasis (because she's a "proper" author), Ttony out of the Muniment Room (because he's just started blogging again), Paulinus (because I like his off-the-wall approach to life) and Annie Elizabeth (because, as well as being one smart cookie, she's got a houseful of books which she's actually read...)

While We're On The Subject Of Bishops...

I don't really understand the kerfuffle about Obama's Healthcare plan. As the saying goes, when it comes to U.S. politics, I know little and I care less. But I have noticed that there appears to be some sort of problem when it comes to the rights of Catholics (and others) to object to something on moral or religious grounds.

The U.S., Bishops are refusing to acquiesce to the spirit of the age. This is excellent, and their Lordships are to be highly commended for the stand they are taking. They have realised the truth, perhaps, that, once you compromise on a matter of faith and morals, it starts up the whole slippery slope scenario...

Bishops of England & Wales take note. This is how Bishops are supposed to behave...

A New Bishop For Lourdes...

Rather nicely timed for the Feast of the Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes, it seems that Tarbes & Lourdes is to get a new bishop. He's something of a traditionalist, I think, and Fr. George Byers (who spent some time as a Chaplain at Lourdes) appears to be rather happy about the appointment, so I guess that it must be another of what Leutgeb would call "A. Good. Thing. "

I doubt that we'll notice any changes when we go on the parish pilgrimage to Lourdes later this year (I guess we have to give him time) but it will be interesting to see what effect this appointment will have on attitudes to the usus antiquior being celebrated in the Domaine.

My one regret? That Lourdes can no longer boast of a "Bishop Perrier" in addition to being in possession of statues of St. Remy and St. Martin!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Feeling My Age...

Confirmation classes are upon us once more at Blackfen, and I suddenly realised that I'm getting a little long in the tooth.

Trying to explain the basis for knowing the history of the Church and the evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ, I discovered that none of the girls in my group had ever heard of Julius Caesar...


Seasonal Sufferings...

I have been conquered by some loathsome microbe and am sneezing, coughing and spluttering a lot. My eyeballs ache, which means that sitting in front of a computer screen is not my idea of a fun pastime just now.

This has coincided with the onset of snow. There wasn't very much, but neither of the Monsignori had encountered it before (they were too young this time last year!) Also, if you are only 30cm tall, then a few centimetres of snow is rather uncomfortable. On Sunday morning I was awakened by two very confused cats, who appeared to want me to remove the nasty, cold, wet stuff. I selfishly remained in bed, nursing my cold, until it was time for Mass, and then trudged through the snow in order to clear the catflap ledge and the chair below.

Miaowrini was then happy enough to venture out for a very brief spell, though she returned to warm her paws before too long. Furretti opted to stay in, and has transferred her attentions to the litter box.

Both of them have started to sleep on my bed for warmth... I shall upload photos soon.
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