Friday 21 January 2011

A Little Light Entertainment...

Ches posted this to mark the end of the school week... Milton Jones always looks as if he's in shock...!

Twitch of the mantilla to The Sensible Bond.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Are They Reading My Blog...?

...Probably not, but it did amuse me to note that, just one week after my blog post bemoaning the lack of progress on introducing the new translation of the Mass, the Bishops have made an announcement.

Yes, the new translation is due to make its official debut in England and Wales in September. That gives us plenty of time to check out the new website and watch the introductory DVD - all six hours' worth of experts talking us through what it all means - before the new Missal is published in Advent.

Like I said before, I feel prepared already because I passed my English Language and English Literature 'O' Levels many, many years ago (with flying colours, I might add...) Having said that, some people like listening to DVDs from the Bishops' Conference.

Twitch of the mantilla to Mark Greaves of the Catholic Herald.

Sunday 16 January 2011

Ordinations For The Ordinariate...

Lots of other bloggers have posted on this already, and far more eloquently than I ever could, as well as with more authority. So, His Hermeneuticalness has been rejoicing over Saturday's "day of white marked with a stone" (whatever that means... though it sounds pretty good to me... presumably it's the Latin equivalent of a red letter day!), while Fr. Ray Blake also seems pretty chuffed. Damian Thompson was positively jubilant (his post makes it sound as if he is pinching himself to check he's not dreaming!), and the excellent Anna Arco from the Catholic Herald has a fantastic overview of the ceremony and some of the reactions.

Leutgeb of Bara Brith fame has, in her understated way, put up a link for anyone who wishes to become a friend of the Friends of the Ordinariate, while speculating on the bun-fight which might have followed...

I would also like to offer my congratulations to all those concerned.

I was slightly amused to see this photo on Facebook. The hordes of supporters calling for the Holy Father to ordain women...

...almost outnumbered by the cameraman and the interviewer...

What, exactly, has to happen before these sad individuals realise that they are flogging a dead horse? It is just never going to happen...

Thanks to Peter Williams for the photo!

UPDATE: The Reluctant Sinner was actually present at the ordinations, so do go over and read his account...
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