Saturday 7 July 2007


It would appear that my Parish Priest is pleased about something...

Choose Life

Not sure about the song, but some of the images brought a lump to my throat...

Mantilla-twitch to Sister Roseann

Friday 6 July 2007

Oh Happy Day...

Yesssssss !! The long-awaited, much-blogged-about Motu Proprio, "Summorum Pontificum" is finally going to make its debut tomorrow. I'm blogging about it today because tomorrow I plan to leave the car at home, and will make my way to morning Mass by taxi, clutching a bottle of Veuve Cliquot in one hand and my mantilla in the other. Fr Tim has promised to provide the chocolate cake...

Thursday 5 July 2007

World Exclusive! New Blog Launched...

The slightly blurry picture on the left shows Sr. Roseann Reddy (left) and Sr. Andrea Fraile, founder members of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life. They do absolutely fantastic work helping women who have crisis pregnancies, giving them practical help and advice.

Another friend, Amanda, has started working with them, and she tells me that the Sisters are about to launch their own blog... tomorrow! This has to be the first time I've ever heard about a blog before it's up and running, but I'm delighted to be able to help get the word out.

You can visit the blog HERE... but only after tomorrow. How about that for a world exclusive!! BTW, it looks as though the previous website for the Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative is no longer active, presumably because it'll all be on the blog!

Wednesday 4 July 2007

Well, Now We Know What It's Called...

Motu Proprio
Summorum Pontificum

This is the name of the motu proprio which establishes the liberalization of the Traditional form of the Roman Rite and rules for its implementation, according to I.Media, which has confirmed that it will be published on July 7, 2007.

Mantilla twitched to Rorate Caeli.

Tuesday 3 July 2007

More On The HFEA Consultation

After my attendance at the HFEA public consultation meeting, I received the following by email:

Thank you very much for attending the HFEA Hybrids and Chimeras Open Public Meeting. We trust you found the debate interesting and stimulating.

The information gathered by Opinion Leader at the event will now be analysed alongside the findings from the public discussion groups, the reconvened public event and the omnibus survey. This information will be fed back to the HFEA who will use it and the responses from their online consultation to inform their decision about whether or not to licence human / animal hybrids for research.

I am still highly cynical about the whole thing, especially since the HFEA already recommended going ahead with such research to the government. However, the online consultation is, in theory, still going on until 20 July, so please, if you haven't done so already, go and give your views on human-animal hybrids HERE.

Not Too Much Time Left...

Ok, there isn't much time left to vote, and I have only got a paltry 24 votes. I don't expect to get the same number as the Hermeneutic of Continuity, but a few more (so that I don't languish all the way back on Page 10) would be nice...

Monday 2 July 2007

Hey, A Photo Of Me That I Can Live With...

There was a Parish Dinner and Dance event on Saturday evening. It was a really enjoyable evening, one of my few planned "car-to-be-left-at-home" sessions. I knew that Fr. Tim had put up some photos on the Parish Blog, but I hadn't realised that he'd actually succeeded in getting me in the frame...

...However, since it's another shot of the back of my head, I think it's one I can live with. So, now you can see the hair colour in context. (I'm on the left of the photo)

How Do You Feel?

Create your own Mood-Meter

Dictionary Definitions

Mac McLernon --


A real life muppet

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

Sunday 1 July 2007

Oh, Alright Then...

Ok, ok... I'll put up a picture so you can see my hair colour. But I don't have one "before" so you'll have to trust me when I say it's an improvement...

Well, you didn't really expect to see one of my face did you??
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