Someone once told me that a priest (or possibly a bishop, I can't remember) declared that the implementation of the Novus Ordo would result in a Mass attendance comprised of women and children.
On a purely subjective level, I have noticed that there seems to be a much more balanced attendance at the Extraordinary Form Mass than at the Ordinary Form, and far more men at the former than at the latter...
Now there are many more options in the Ordinary Form - and I'm rather interested if it is the ad orientem worship which causes the difference, or the use of Latin, or just the fact that the usus antiquior hasn't been denuded of all the extras, such as the preparatory prayers, and that there aren't any "options."
The polls are in the sidebar - do go across and vote. I'm interested in your preferences, not what you actually attend.
"Truly, it is the indescribable sweetness of contemplation which you give to those who love you. In this you have shown the tenderness of your charity, that when I had no being you made me; and when I strayed away from you, you brought me back again to serve you and commanded me to love you." The Imitation of Christ
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Too Many Cat Posts...!
Well, I don't care, because I seem to be in good company...
I wonder if the kitty gets to put the im-paw-matur on all documents? Or should that be the im-purr-matur? I shall have to go back and check with Fr. Z on his blog - What Does the Purr Really Say? Fr. Tim might also wish to express an opinion over at The Purrmeneutic of Continuity...
Twitch of the mantilla to Terry Nelson for the photo.
I wonder if the kitty gets to put the im-paw-matur on all documents? Or should that be the im-purr-matur? I shall have to go back and check with Fr. Z on his blog - What Does the Purr Really Say? Fr. Tim might also wish to express an opinion over at The Purrmeneutic of Continuity...
Twitch of the mantilla to Terry Nelson for the photo.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Time For Another Cage Match...?

First of all came the epic Trial-by-Kitty of The Remnant versus the Catholic Times. Monsignor Furretti, despite her youth, showed great discernment, and the Remnant survived. Then the Inquisition moved on to consider the case of The Catholic Herald versus The Suppository. A two-kitten panel of Monsignori decided very firmly in favour of shredding the latter... if cats had thumbs they'd probably have arranged an auto da fe, but one works with the tools God has provided.
It has been suggested that perhaps it is time for some further suitable test of orthodoxy for my two hooligans as they enter the cat equivalent of teenagerdom. Any suggestions?
Help Prevent Abortion Provision Being Imposed As A Duty...
John Smeaton has alerted people to plans, under the Health & Social Care Bill, to introduce statutory regulations forcing Local Authorities to provide abortions as part of the new NHS arrangements. This will create a conflict for any councillor who objects to abortion. Regulations forcing Councils to set up contracts with abortion providers (NHS or private) would also create the false idea that there is a legal right to abortion.
Please write to your local councillors asking them to write to their chief executive requesting clarification of what the regulations will require. It is important that no statutory duty to commission abortions should be imposed on Local Authorities under the NHS reforms.
Please write to your local councillors asking them to write to their chief executive requesting clarification of what the regulations will require. It is important that no statutory duty to commission abortions should be imposed on Local Authorities under the NHS reforms.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Renewing My Vows...
I made private vows nine years ago. Some of my friends at the time were horrified - "What if Mr. Right turns up tomorrow?" I pointed out that he'd be Mr. Wrong, because he was too late: God got there first! I can honestly say that I haven't regretted my decision.
I'm renewing my vows next month (I don't need to renew my vows, they are permanent as far as I'm concerned) which makes an excellent excuse for a party. It'll be on 3rd December, which is the first Saturday, so that means that we have our monthly Missa Cantata and visiting schola. The Mass starts at 10:30am, and is finished about 11:30am, and I will renew my vows after Mass. There will be a bit of a party in the large hall, and then solemn sung Vespers at 2:30pm to finish up.
You are all most welcome. It would be helpful to know numbers (for catering purposes) but don't let that put you off if you suddenly find you're free...
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Praying For The Dead...
Each year we have a ceremony for blessing graves in the parish. It's a very moving occasion, and, after praying for all the dead, Fr. Tim walks around, blessing any graves that people ask him to bless. The visit to a cemetery in the first week of November has a plenary indulgence attached, so, although there is a feeling of sadness, there is also some joy in the knowledge that, just by going to the cemetery and saying a prayer for the faithful departed, souls are freed from Purgatory.
Do remember to pray for the forgotten souls in Purgatory as well as for your loved ones...
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