Thursday 19 September 2013


Pretty much sums it up, really... (except that I didn't get to hide under the duvet all week!)

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Young Catholic Adults' Retreat...

I was asked to advertise the following event for young Catholics, something I am delighted to be able to do, despite no longer qualifying...

Book now for the Young Catholic Adults weekend event at Cold Ash Retreat Centre (a couple of miles from Douai Abbey, which was booked up this year).

 * It will include the following speakers:- Fr Gregory Person OP, Fr Matthew
Goddard FSSP, Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP, and Br. Gabriel Wilson O.S.B.

* There will be a Marian Procession, Rosaries, Sung/High Masses, Confession and socials.

* Gregorian Chant Workshops will also be running, this year led by the Schola
Gregoriana of Cambridge.

How to Book for the retreat
Prices start at £35 per night. For more details/options,  please see:- for the online booking service, or see the booking form on the events page.
If you have any queries, please ring Margaret on 07515 805 015 or Damian on 07908 105 787.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Exaltation of the Holy Cross...

2013-09-14 10.59.26We were very blessed at Blackfen for the sixth anniversary of Summorum Pontificum. First we had a Missa Cantata organised by the Sodality of the Five Holy Wounds.

This was (as is the custom at Blackfen after a Saturday Missa Cantata) followed by a short service of Benediction. But the icing on the cake was that, for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, we were privileged to have the opportunity to venerate Blackfen's Relic of the True Cross...

2013-09-14 11.57.52

2013-09-14 12.06.18

More photos over at my Flickr page.
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