The A2 is actually more like a motorway at that point (obviously, or I wouldn't be doing 70 mph... or at least I wouldn't be blogging about it!) so I had to get out of the car on the passenger side.
I am not the most agile of people, so this manoeuvre wasn't the easiest to accomplish. At least this time I didn't end up with my feet stuck above the dashboard as I attempted to get over the gear stick. It didn't help that lorries were thundering past, making my little Hyundai shake.
However, I finally succeeded in getting out, and clambered over the small crash barrier at the side. I couldn't walk very far away because of the bushes growing there, but I thought I was probably at a safe enough distance.
And then it started to rain...
Luckily my breakdown service arrived pretty quickly.
The damage was self-inflicted, and I really could kick myself... I had forgotten to check the oil, and the engine, although fine when idling, is now making a nasty rattle when revved... and, since it couldn't be fixed at the road side, I was driven home again.
The engine will need stripping, and probably replacing. I wouldn't mind, but I have only just had the gearbox done... At this rate I'll have a new car by Christmas...