Friday 16 April 2010

An Amusing Observation...

I have noticed that the majority of articles on the ash cloud which has completely closed UK airspace refer to it as the eruption of "Iceland's volcano."

I thought Iceland had quite a few volcanoes, so I was looking for the name of the one that's just gone bang, and found that I had to hunt round for a while... I suppose that reporting on the Eyjafjallajokull glacier is a sub-editor's nightmare...

Matters Liturgical...

Our senior MC is quite strict on correct attire at our Extraordinary Form Masses. One of the servers ruefully pointed out that his socks hadn't quite passed muster, and he was going to have to change them.

"What's wrong with them?" I asked. So he showed me.

It seems that Jonathan isn't a fan of Dangermouse...

Ad Multos Annos...!

Happy Birthday to our wonderful Holy Father.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Testing Times...

Driving tests are very much a rite of passage these days: nearly every 17 year-old I know is having lessons, tests, more lessons...

I passed my test first time, to my complete and utter amazement. A few minutes into my test, a large refuse truck had trundled down the street, and had failed to pull over into a space, which resulted in my having to reverse back down the street and then try and pull into a small parking space... the truck kept coming, and I fluffed the manoeuvre. The truck eventually got past, but the men inside were laughing like hyenas. I turned to the examiner, apologised, and said that I was obviously more nervous than I'd thought. I was so convinced that I'd failed that I just went through the rest of the test with a rather gung-ho attitude.

I pulled out at a few roundabouts where I didn't have right of way, but I could see safe gaps and, not wanting to be a drippy blonde, I just went for it. Technically, I shouldn't have moved out. I didn't care - I'd failed anyway.

My best moment had to be the question session. "What," asked the examiner, "do the amber cats' eyes on a motorway signify?"

This was a tricky one. I couldn't recall having seen any. I decided to guess. "Lanes."

The examiner looked at me. I looked back.

"Errrm... yes, lanes...?" he said, as if waiting for more information.

I realised that I'd gotten the answer partly right. If I said anything else, I would risk getting it very wrong. I decided to play safe.

"Yes. Lanes."

He looked at me. I looked back, and waited.

"Ummm... yes...?" he tried again.

"Yes!" I declared, with a note of finality in my voice. And then I sat there. After about three minutes' silence, he bowed to the inevitable. "Ok," he sighed. "Next question..."

One young friend of mine recounted a very different experience. After two (or maybe three) near-collisions within the first ten minutes of the test, the examiner asked him to pull over to the side. She then informed him that he had failed, got out of the car, and walked back to the test centre, unwilling to risk life and limb any further...

I might ask him to text me whenever he plans to be on the road...

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Linky Love...

The incomparable Fr. Z has done it again! He quoted one of my posts in its entirety... and then asked his readers to come and visit me anyway.

That was really sweet.

I had 1,000 visits in 8 hours. Assuming only half his readers bothered to click the link, that's around 6,000 visitors a day. Serious numbers... and deservedly so, because Fr. Z is the one who made that line-by-line fisking famous in the Catholic blogosphere: "My emphasis and comments" is so well-known that he can even use abbreviations!

So, I thought I'd spread the links a little.

My favourite photoshopper is, of course, Vincenzo. I have come to the conclusion that one cannot believe a single photo on his blog, he's far too good... but his posts are excellent. Vincenzo decided to show that I'd been pinged... though I do think that Sean Connery ought to have been gazing at my gorgeous profile picture for it to be taken seriously... (heheheheheh... a girl can dream, can't she?)

Next blog up for a mention is that of Nazareth Priest - he's a regular commenter here, and he's always encouraging. His Community has a pretty snazzy website selling icons as well.

Vexilla Regis is another blog which has come to my attention fairly recently - he doesn't post much, but then, with two other blogs on his family history to maintain, that's hardly surprising. Anita Moore has an excellent blog of her own, as well as contributing to two others. I particularly like her acerbic sense of humour... two snippets:

"How will the liberals cope with being torn between outrage over the end of the Age of Mahony and political correctitude in the matter of L.A.'s first Hispanic archbishop?"


"Since nothing he does will please the liberals, and he might as well start antagonizing them sooner rather than later, I hereby proffer my humble suggestion for Archbishop Gomez's first official act as head of the archdiocese: have the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels hauled away as scrap."

Doctor Eric has some gems on his blog... but you have to hunt for them in amongst the homeopathic remedies. Still, that's an education in itself! For those of you who need a bit more liturgical eye candy, I can recommend Fr. Augustine Thompson's blog on the Dominican Liturgy... how about this for a requiem?

An intriguing blog, The Authentic Update, belongs to Chironomo. I wasn't able to access his (??) profile, but he seems to be particularly concerned with good music in the Liturgy... and since he is a fan of the Holy Father, (and has added me to his blogroll) he deserves a mention! And, finally, Faithful Catholic has a student's perspective to share on the liturgy. I rather enjoyed reading his advice to altar servers... so true!

Tuesday 13 April 2010


I don't know why people do it.

If you feel you have had enough of blogging, that's fine by me. I have no problems with people stopping blogging. After all, I've gotten to feeling like I have reached that stage a few times myself.

However, if you decide to stop blogging, please, please, PLEASE... do NOT delete your whole blog. Just leave it alone. Don't post any more... but please don't delete the whole thing.

For a start, it means that all the links you were given are now dead links.

This might seem a minor point. After all, blogrolls can be edited fairly easily now.

But it isn't just the blogroll. I'm not a big-time blogger by any means, but my daily visitor numbers (at about 350 a day, when I blog regularly... it's dipped a bit lately) aren't bad for a Catholic lay woman who isn't a professional journalist. I appreciate the leg-ups I've had from other more established bloggers, and I try to help by giving links to other bloggers in my turn.

Yes, it's all about linky love...

I have noticed, however, that when a blogger quotes another blogger, if the whole item is included in the first blogger's post, then the comments (and visitors) often stay on the first blogger's blog - especially if people are reading through an aggregator such as Google Reader. So, in order to give other bloggers credit, one will often just give an indication of what is being said, and whether one agrees... and then provide a link so that visitors will be encouraged to go and visit.

The next blogger then gets to see that a particular post has proved popular, or controversial, or whatever... and this gives them ideas about further posts and discussion threads, and so on.

But, if you then go and delete your whole blog, the link is no longer available. Sometimes this is more than a minor inconvenience, and can ruin a whole post.

It also discourages bloggers from making links in posts that are anything more than acknowledgements of where one has seen something... because you can't guarantee it will still be there in a few months' time...

So please... DON'T DELETE BLOGS.

I've been checking my blogrolls for dead and inactive links... if I have culled your blog by accident, feel free to let me know, and I'll reinstate it. Likewise, if I haven't linked to you before, and you would like to be added, leave a comment...

Linky love makes the blogosphere go round, after all...

Blog Discovery...

I wonder how I managed to miss this excellent blog by Clare?

I seem to recall spotting the header photo somewhere a while back, but cannot remember where. However, Clare was unwise enough to comment on my blog, so I followed up the links, and wow, she has a blog and a half!! A pro-life home educator, I wonder how she finds time for it all.

Check out her blog, Battlements of Rubies. It's awesome!

More On Why The Pope Is Under Attack...

I love the start of this video: "The Catholic Church was established by Jesus Christ on Blessed Peter for the salvation of souls, and because of its divine origin it is superior to every other religious system in the world. Period... and according to logic, it's either true, or it's not... there is no middle ground."

Aside from that, are running a week's series on the sex abuse crisis. Here is today's clip...

Feeling Smug...

This is pure geek stuff, so feel free to ignore it.

I am feeling rather pleased with myself.

I had noted that the date on my blog posts had shifted mysteriously so that the decorative arrows were actually merging with it. I even managed to get a screenshot...

It did occur to me that it might just be my computer, but it seemed to be the same when I checked on my iPhone as well...

I had a look at Auntie Joanna's blog (she uses the same template, just in green instead of blue) and saw that she had the same problem.

So I went over to the template. By careful experimentation, I managed to identify the HTML code which was responsible... and I changed it. Hah!

Who's a clever bunny then?

Just In Case The Message Isn't Getting Through...

The attacks in the media on our Holy Father have been vicious, and there is a "feeding frenzy" feel to it all. I have refrained from comment (for the time being) as I wanted to see exactly what was going to be trotted out as the accusations mount up. As I suspected, the accusations (against the Holy Father) are pretty much without foundation.

One of the best articles demonstrating this, by Phil Lawler, can be found HERE.

Twitch of the mantilla to Auntie Joanna, who writes on the attacks on the Holy Father and reproduces the article by Phil Lawler.

It's Been A While...

I have resisted putting up cat pictures for far too long. This one sums up how I've been feeling lately...

Hoisted On My Own Petard...

Every now and then I get provided with a cue for a smart, tongue-in-cheek remark, and I just can't resist...

Today, the tables were turned...

A few of us were having a cup of tea after Mass, and I started to speak: "I was just listening to Jesus of Nazareth on my iPhone..."

To which came the reply, "No, Mac... He's in heaven..."

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