Sunday 11 May 2008

Marking Coursework...

To any students out there who still have to complete coursework as part of their exam course (I know some subjects no longer have coursework) - a little friendly advice:

If your teacher "suggests" an alteration to your work might be a good idea, then don't just ignore it. It wasn't actually a suggestion, but exam regulations mean that we can't "tell" you what to do.


gemoftheocean said...

ROTF! Then they'll act "Surprised" - "well, I'll be damned, it was uncanny - it was like sbe *knew* what was going to be on the exam."

EC Gefroh said...

My DH would sure relate to this post!

It's the time for him to grade finals and accommodate students who want to complete the year but haven't worked all semester.

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