This year my school has a "Spring Break". Most people still refer to it as the Easter holiday, which has led to some confusion: when I speak of Easter, I mean this coming weekend, whereas most of my colleagues mean the holiday which will occur two weeks later. The phrase "The coursework has to be marked by Easter" takes on a rather different meaning (and caused me to experience near-heart-failure!)
It means that this year I feel totally unprepared for the Triduum and Easter Sunday. Work is continuing apace, instead of slowing down for the holiday. I haven't been able to get myself "geared up" physically and mentally for the private retreat I usually make, and haven't even managed to draw up my timetable in preparation. Tomorrow I have a "twilight Inset" session (two hours after school listening to someone burble on about inconsequential items that would be better off put into a memo... and then shredded.) Wednesday sees an after-school staff meeting. More burbling... though this time it's departmental stuff, and so not a complete waste of time.
So no time to prepare myself. And I am out-of-sorts as a result: caught off-balance, wrong-footed... and I've realised that I don't like it one little bit.
I guess I've been spoiled...
I too am experiencing this (feeling rushed into easter!), but I am blessed in that Thursday is my day off anyway. (Yes, our official break doesn't start until this Friday either.)
Working in education usualy has its benefits at Eastertime, but I think of those who work in other jobs, not directed by the school timetable, who will always have to work on Maundy Thursday. Thank God for small mercies :)
Have a very blessed Easter!
AR xx
Awww... I feel quite sorry for you Mac. And guilty for myself, as I'm sitting here, on Annual Leave.
Not sure what to suggest, except, as the nuns used to say, "offer it up"!
"twilight inset" God in heaven, what a stupid name - the name alone would induce me to sit in the back and make deprecating remarks to nearby likeminded colleagues - starting off with "what idiot scheduled this thing for Easter week? Satan?" then I'd go from there. At the very least you could play "BS Bingo."
I think I feel like that everyday Mac!
Mac, Easter for me in the Oratory choir is absolute murder, and I have to work on Maunday Thursday! Usually by the end of Solemn Vespers on Easter Sunday I collapse exhausted after 9 services! It is imperative for me to take a weeks holiday afterwards to recover..
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