This year, I was determined to get a move on. Last year's card was a great success, and I was determined that standards should be maintained. And so I started to hunt for a suitable quote and an equally suitable picture nice and early - in fact, I started to look pretty much at the beginning of February. This search was, I felt, rewarded: I found an absolutely perfect quote from the Holy Father when he addressed seminarians in Rome, and there was even a picture to match...
Unfortunately, Lent this year actually started in the first week of February... and Lent is not as long as it appears!! This means that the nice, cosy feeling I had on getting everything sorted so "early" is rapidly changing to mild twinges of anxiety because I haven't had the cards delivered yet...
I doubt that we can get placards made up in time, so I guess it'll be another DIY job for them (though I won't leave it until the night before!) And I need to get on the phone to see if I can rustle up a few young women to cheer for the priests as they process in for Mass. If you happen to be in the area on Thursday 20th March, 2008, we will be outside St. George's Cathedral from 10:45am - the Mass starts at 11:15am - and you would be most welcome to join us. Put a comment in the combox if you need any more details.
The idea of thanking our priests at the Chrism Mass does seem to be catching on... Joanna Bogle has told me that there is going to be a similar "Thank You" parade at the Chrism Mass at Arundel & Brighton diocese on Tuesday 18th March, and another one at Westminster Cathedral's Chrism Mass on Wednesday 19th March.
Yargh! Edinburgher women, chime in!
As Mark says, it would indeed be nice if women in Edinburgh had the same idea. Instead we have the COWS with their posters and chants! Catholic Ordination of Women in Scotland!
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