I'm off to Eastbourne tomorrow afternoon... dogsitting for my parents' yorkies. I can probably chalk this one up as a work of mercy, as it allows my mother to go and visit her grandson... and I am not a dog-lover. So the visit will be a penitential exercise... I mean, dogs are ok, but I do prefer proper ones. And the yorkies are incredibly "needy" when separated from my mother.
At least I shall have Jess the cat for company.
Yorkies are gorgeous, both the chocolate and canine varieties.
I have both, I am a defender of both.
...and seriously, you prefer 'Jess' the Cat to a cute little yorkie....wasn't Jess the cat the name of Postman Pat's feline?
Heh - they are really cute.
Ma "but I just have two beagles from the animal shelter" Beck
ukok, I do indeed seriously prefer Jess to the irritating, ingratiating, demanding little bundles my mother pretends are dogs. They are terribly spoilt and will need a tremendous fuss made of them (I can feel my tights laddering just at the thought of contact!!)
I also had no control over the naming of the moggy... not being a Postman Pat afficianado I had forgotten that Pat's cat is called Jess, but that just goes to confirm my opinion that Jessica is no name for a cat!!
I shall, of course, be heartbroken at abandoning my own moggy (but it's only overnight - and cats can cope provided plenty of food is left - and my neighbour will pop in to check on him later)
Ma, at least Beagles are proper dogs!!
That depends on your definition of "proper."
Goofy, silly, prone to begging...
South coast England joke:
Q: Why do people retire to Eastbourne? A: to be near their parents in Bexhill
We have a labrador Charlie! He's kind of cute! Small dogs aren't my thing..but sure you'll have a great weekend!
God bless
I'm glad to read that I'm not the only one who is not to keen on dogs! I too, am even less keen on very small dogs, esp when the owner says "Dont worry Father, they dont bite.."
fr paul harrison
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