One of the priests we regularly meet is Fr. Paul Devaney. This year he is celebrating his Golden Jubilee of priestly Ordination, and tonight at dinner there was a little celebration. Archbishop Bernard Longley came over for dinner, a cake was brought out, and, after we sang a rousing chorus of "For he's a jolly good fellow", all the priests present launched into a very moving rendition of "Ad multos annos" the anthem traditionally sung for a priestly anniversary. His Grace gave a lovely speech and pointed out that he and Fr. Tim had sung together in the schola at Wonersh.
Never one to miss a photo opportunity, I asked the Archbishop if I could take a photo for the blog...
From left to right, Fr Dominic Coslett, Fr. Tony Rohan, Fr. Tim Finigan, Fr Paul Devaney and Archbishop Bernard Longley...
I was surprised to find that His Grace knew of my blog... and especially the exploits of my two cats. He was keen to tell me about the famous Birmingham Oratory cat, Pushkin, who, since his meeting with the Holy Father, Pope Benedict, has been seen sporting a red biretta and a (small) red cape. No doubt Cardinal Furretti will be having words with me about the paucity of her own ecclesial apparel... I will probably have to invest in a cappa magna and lace rochet just to keep the fur from flying...
1 comment:
Gkad you are having good time,
By now you may have discovered that Wrexham Diocese is alo there...with two bishops......lead by relatively new Bishop Peter Brignall.
He is the only Bishop I know who faithfully liturgically carries out the OF Mass - especially for funerals. He always preaches a homily on the readings or text of Mass. Never a eulogy! At END of Mass he may say something about the deceased!
Also on that pilgrimage is a friend of mine Canon Bernard Morgan....we have been friends for over 65 years.....yes 65 years....and you think you are no longer young!
Pray for sinners......I won't be offended if you put me top of the list!
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