Thursday 28 October 2010

Sad News...

I got a phonecall from the vet this morning. Sadly, Cardinal Catzinger died during the night.

The vet thinks he had a congenital problem which didn't manifest itself until the stress of changing environments... I suspect that means that the vet just hasn't got a clue why the cat died. I've been advised to keep a very close eye on Monsignor Furretti, although, as she seems to have settled down, the vet thought it was unlikely she had the same problem as her brother.

Furretti appears to be determined to make sure she's kept a close eye on... she's lying across my chest while I type. Unfortunately for her, she's grown a bit in the past week, and, despite my generous proportions, she now keeps slipping off, much to her disgust...

Thanks for the prayers.


A Catholic Comes Home said...

So Sorry.

Dominic Mary said...

Be sure, dear Mac, that the prayers continue . . . along with the gratitude for having been allowed to share both the joy and, now, the sorrow in your delightful kittens.

Genty said...

So sad. I did pray to St. Jude in the small hours but I guess he knew what was best if little Catzinger had congenital probs.
It's not much comfort, I know, but the little fellow did have a loving home for even the shortest time.
Prayers continue.

Anonymous said...

Ack, I'm sorry to hear this. So sad.

Dom said...

Sorry to hear this.

Ches said...

Not again! Sorry, Mac.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Oh I'm sorry!
Not being a particularly kitty person, I was surprised by how much I was enjoying the pics and the updates.
The idea of two kittens gamboling around the house was so sweet.
Poor little Furretti!
I hope you aren't too downhearted and can consider getting another one.

Mike Forbester said...

So sorry to hear about this.

Patricia McLaughlin Durel said...

I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. I remember what it was like to lose a dear pet, a kitty. Our orange tabby now is getting on, and I'm sure it will be hard for me/us when he's gone. . . I hope Msgr. Furretti will be all right without her companion. Will you try to find her a new one?

Delia said...

So sorry!

Perhaps Furretti would like a (temporary) small canine companion ...

Stitchwort said...

Oh, I am so sorry!

It's been my experience over many years that when death breaks up a cat family, the females cope much better than the males. If Furetti hasn't inherited the same problem, she should be all right.

Elizabeth said...

Oh I'm so sorry, poor little fellow...such a short life, but he was cared for. How frustrating that is when an animal dies and you don't know why. I had a black once, a long time ago and he just went out one day and disappeared, we never knew what happened to him. We lived out in the country in Lancashire at the time.... May you take comfort in Mgr. Furretti he sounds and looks like a lot of fun.

Zephyrinus said...

Sorry to read the news, Mac, about Catzinger. Don't worry too much; Sylvester will keep an eye on him. God Bless and make a fuss of Furretti.

Dilly said...

Really sorry.

EC Gefroh said...

Oh, I am so sorry!!

TimberLove said...

We came to paw our respects & offer condolences, soft husky woooos,

RA & Isis

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