Remembering that almsgiving is one of the three activities we should engage in for Lent, you might want to pop over to their blog and click on the PayPal donation button in the side-bar.
Look at how easy that is... one of the Lenten duties fulfilled at a mouse-click, and no worrying about whether the funds will be going to something incompatible with Catholic doctrine... like distribution of condoms, or embryo research, etc.
And, if you can't afford to give a little something, you can at least pray for the success of their fund-raising efforts... thereby fulfilling another of those Lenten duties...
As ever Mac, thank you!
Good one Mac, all can be done from the comfort of a seat - so no excuses.
Aleksandra is organising a sweet and cake sale at school to raise money for the Sisters (sorry that it's during lent) that will be her lentern obligation partly fulfilled.
Shame that our hard earned taxes have to go to this amoral government of ours which persists in pushing more condoms, more embryo research etc... using our money - the latest sickening news go to LifeSiteNews:
Parents Shouldn't Tell Kids What's Right or Wrong about Having Sex: U.K. Gov't Pamphlet.
A pamphlet set for distribution by the British government is advising parents to keep quiet on the morality of sex, and instead to ensure that their children are provided with contraception from an early age and are aware of their options, the Sunday Times revealed.
When will this satanic attack on our children cease??!!!!
As the old Pink Floyd song goes "Hey - Gordon - Leave them kids alone"!
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