The church is beautiful, with more statues and stained glass than you can shake a stick at...

Fr. Tim was either deacon or sub-deacon, I'm not sure which, and rather a lot of the servers seemed to be from Blackfen - eight or nine, I think. Their families came along too, and so we formed quite a respectable group!
I had problems keeping the camera still (I forgot my trusty monopod) and so messed up more than my usual number of photos. Still, I managed to get a reasonable selection to show...

Another new experience for me, and I think it will have to be a regular feature of my own personal calendar... hopefully I'll get better photos next year!
Lovely photos Mac and, as you rightly say, a beautiful church - according to the photographic evidence! I have never been myself although our older son has been several times for Masses in the Extraordinary Form.
You could work out who is doing what, if you can spot who is wearing a maniple.
Fr. Tim must have been the subdeacon, because for one thing he is to the left of the bishop at the benediction.
We were there too: Charlie was confirmed (the third of ours to be confirmed there). A magnificent ceremony, and great singing. Shame the booklets were so scratty!
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