Fr. Z has done a great fisk of their latest editorial. I was particularly amused by his reference to The Suppository as "England’s ultra-dissenter fishwrap" and "a sort of bitter morning after pill".
The description of the effects of RCIA programmes run in some liberal parishes also had me chuckling...
"...I have heard from some who have gone through it in Tablet style parishes, they are never quite the same again. They don’t at all feel the same. Many, in fact, feel like they need delousing."
Damian Thompson has also written a good article about The Suppository's attitude.
I said before that I didn't quite understand why there was any need for the Apostolic Constitution. However, the Holy Father has written it, and has thereby made generous provision for any Anglicans who wish to be received into the Church. As far as I am concerned, that means that it's a good thing. Peter has spoken.