Things have been pretty hectic at work, and there hasn't been the usual pre-holiday attenuation in pace (because it's
not really pre-holiday in most schools...) This means that I left the placards for the Chrism Mass until the last minute... I had
intended to make them on Tuesday, only I was too tired after the staff meeting... but that left Wednesday evening, so I wasn't terribly concerned... and then I went to
Tenebrae... which took over two hours...
So I was up rather late finishing them off. Getting up this morning was therefore somewhat more tricky than usual, and I was bright-tailed and bushy-eyed rather than the opposite! I was awake enough to make sure that I packed the
Chrism Mass Thank-You cards, and, mindful of the weather forecast, wrapped the placards in a bin liner for protection. I even managed to pay the London congestion charge online before leaving home.
When I arrived, the sun was shining brightly and I decided to leave my coat in the car - the Cathedral can get a little warm when it's crowded. However, I had forgotten that the corner at the front of the Cathedral is a windy one... before too long I was chilled to the bone, but didn't have time to return to the car...
I was soon joined by friends who held up the placards, and one of the girls helped me give out cards to the priests as they processed in at the start of Mass. It was a real pleasure to be able to do this. This year I was informed by one priest: "If you're praying for priests, I'll accept it, but not if you're spouting any of that 'women priests' nonsense..." I was able to assure him that I definitely didn't go in for "that nonsense."
I didn't manage to get any photos myself, but I believe that Fr. Tim did get one or two, so I shall post them as soon as he gets them to me.
Once the procession had gone in, I went in and found a seat behind a pillar. I was quite hopeful when I heard "
The Church's one foundation" - I thought maybe the choice of music had undergone a transformation... it hadn't. This was brought home when a Marty Haugen number suddenly segued into "
We shall overcome." Not quite sure what we're supposed to be overcoming at the Chrism Mass...
(And yes, I have been apprised of the fact that "
The Church's one foundation" is a rousing
Protestant hymn... I still like it, and until someone points out that the words are heretical, I shall continue to like it!)
The rain started while we were inside the Cathedral. The priests processed out at top speed, and there wasn't much hanging about outside. A few of us then went to the
Three Stags pub for lunch. I must just point out that, contrary to the impression given by me in
a previous post, Fr. Tim never expressed a distaste for cheese sandwiches, curled or otherwise... I know he doesn't like cheese sandwiches, and jumped to conclusions (and anyway, it was the like-minded brethren I was quoting!) ... but apparently the buffet lunch in Amigo Hall consists of items such as chicken curry and
not cheese sandwiches...
The high point of the whole episode? For yet another year in Southwark, the feminazis and would-be priestesses didn't show up. They
didn't make it to Westminster this year. We might not be the reason for their absence, though I like to think that they got discouraged by all the young girls and women who were so obviously faithful to the Church's teachings. Maybe it will give them pause for thought. Whatever.
Deo gratias !