Now, I wonder: what should one make of a priest who warmly recommends going to see a heretical film?
UPDATE: Not only is the good Monsignor deleting unfavourable comments (I've done that in the past to the occasional rude or completely off-topic comment) but it appears that he's also deleting links - so no-one reading his blog will realise that there is a whole tranch of opposition. How very interesting. Please do go and leave your opinions...
NEW UPDATE: Heheheheh... the links have been re-established. Probably because people are clicking on them from this end (and from Carpe Canum and Gem of the Ocean) - anyone care to lay bets on how long before they get deleted again??
I too left a courteous but strong comment- not published. However I am not surprised-Fr Mark rarely makes public comments which are in the negative, unless from well known persons aka Fr Finnigan's remarks on the 99 names. Regarding that debacle and the Jeffrey Archer fiasco, I submitted responses and asked pertinent questions none of which were acknowledged or published.
Mgr Langham has the right to filter comments on his own blog. But why is he so reluctant to publish polite but questioning remarks or explain his actions? Perhaps we should make them public on other blog reports, so long as they remain within the bounds of charity.
Well, Mac -- here's the comment on his blog that I left that you WON'T see there....but perhaps here:
"Has someone hacked your blog? Or is that really you, Msgr. L? I could have sworn this post said something regards a "must see." Why? Are you trying to curry favor with other hack purveyors of films which perpetuate lies about the church?
Karen H. -- San Diego, Ca."
Sometimes it's more of a badge of honor to be censored.
Oh yeah-the only 'high profile' people get acknowledged trick.
I wrote to my bishop some years ago over something I was very concerned about and was ignored.
After a tip off I wrote the whole thing again only this time with all my letters after my name-and got a reply.
I think this is horrible behaviour.
LOL Excellent reply Karen! I think I may be the one who started the ball rolling on this one (it's usually Damien Thompson at Holy Smoke!), so I guess Mgr L must really hate me. How sad!
I've now said my piece twice to him - but I kinda feel sorry for the guy; imagine the pressure he's under ? compelled to approve of this and the 99 names fiasco lest he jeopardises his job - he's scared ! admittedly the price is too high to conspire in this; but what of the consequences for him ?
banished to a tower hamlets ghetto where he can't leave the rectory without body armour. One thing I have learned over the years is how punitive clerical punishments for 'treason to the programme' can be. A lot of clerics feel compelled to 'go with the flow' as they can do more good within the system [winning tiny battles along the way, losing the big ones but ameliorating the consequences to ensure the little people don't get too hurt] than ostracized from it.
A lot of us respected claudius's actions in I Claudius - playing the naiive fool bending with the wind like a willow sapling until he had formed a fully fledged tree able to resist the full forces against him. I like the man, and however ostensibly reprehensible his announcement was, we have to hope that his ulterior motives are for a greater good.
Mac, you're quite right, my link has gone the same way as my comment too. Solomon, I have been deleted!
Perhaps the Purpled One ought to disable the comments facility on his blog and sail on his merry way oblivious to what people actually think...He seems to do that anyway!
I notice some bloggers do this on some or all of their posts (I don't tend to read their blogs).
Seems that WC (hmmm) is more a secular concert venue, party venue, film set and offshoot of "Gardeners' Question Time" than a place of worship at the moment.
If one can't stand the heat, one should exit the kitchen!
For a further 30 pieces of silver perhaps Msgr. Langham might stage the film's London opening night!
I sometimes think - why did our glorious English Martyrs bother.
But then it's only when you have one eye firmly on the 'spiritual' do you occassionally catch but a fleeting glimpse of understanding as to the reality of the 'war' raging all around you.
It's all a bit sad really.
Still at least he will received the complaints.
WSNS: Yup, he has at least received the complaints. He's dreaming if he doesn't think "people are starting to talk." Maybe the next time he goes off on one of those sorts of issues, I will just say:
"okay, you've had your fun. Who are you and what have you done with Msgr. L?"
You know what I am just going to pick up the phone and have a word in his shell.
Incidentaly, I've found out that because I created a post, which references ALL the post regards the blog in question, IF the links are all deleted, and then I create a link to the post again.....all YOUR links are now added to the westminster blog too....you know, the ones the admin had deleted. Relinking my post, also relinks all of yours. Blogspot. Just beautiful. And I'm 8 hours behind all you lovely people in England. Their admin can delete all those links...and with a few keystrokes, while "gentlemen now abed" with thoughts of having the links safely deleted...will wake up to find all those links again. The admin should be bald in a week. Fine, don't post the comment ... it's their blog ... but it's really lame to delete the links!
Karen H. -- San Diego, Ca.
Karen H. - 'The admin should be bald in a week'... LOL
Haha! The links are down, again, and have been replaced with a comment favourable of Mgr L.
Paul, you do make an excellent point about the pressure he must be under. No one can serve two masters: God and the ......... (fill in gap)
Hi Mac
I've just sent my comment in to Mgsr 'Solomongham' ....
Monsignor Langham, if the film portrays a 'distorted' account of historical events, presumably also distorting the truth about the Catholic Church during these terrible times under that particularly bloodthirsty monarch then why in heaven's name is Westminster Cathedral playing host to this travesty.
Surely there is enough distortion and misinformation about the Catholic Faith perpetrated daily in the world media without Catholics shooting themselves in the foot in this way.
A 'must see' for the autumn? Not for this film-goer or his family I'm afraid.
God Bless.
Now, if this film comes out in the autumn, just as when DVC came out, let's all (I mean ALL Catholics) go to the movies on the opening weekend TO SEE ANOTHER FILM! That way the all-important ratings for this trash might just get knocked down a peg or two and make film producers realise that Catholic Bashing movies, even if shot on 'hallowed ground' aren't worth the tape they're filmed on!
What an excellent idea, George! What's on?
Bravo George, well said.
I am one of the Catholics who is grossly offended by Fr. Langham's actions and words but presumably he got permission from higher powers. Sadly, there is no way to get through to him. Those who have ears do not hear...
Philip - I've no idea what's on or even when this movie has its premier in the UK. I'm sure Msgr Langham will let us all know as he appears rather enthusiastic about promoting this un-historical anti-Catholic heretical baloney.
Frankly, I'd even go to see 'Noddy in Toytown' or 'Die Hard No 37' just to make the point.
JimmyAkin.org linked to this review with lots of information on the film's anti-Catholicism.
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