Monday 9 February 2009

Good Photo...

Fr. Tim's Million Party was snapped for posterity. Quite a lot of people didn't want to be in the photo, and there was almost a rugby scrum to get to the prized position of photographer... but I'd already snaffled the spot behind the camera! The early bird catches the worm, and all that jazz.

I have to say that the post title just above the photo over at the Hermeneutic of Continuity blog is rather suggestive... but let's aim for Westminster first... Heheheheheh.


Elizabeth said...

"I have to say that the post title just above the photo over at the Hermeneutic of Continuity blog is rather suggestive... " No way Mac, we are all praying for Fr Tim to become Pope. How wonderful, it would feel like we had a Pope in the family. Viva il Papa Tim

Vincenzo said...

Mulier Fortis said...


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