Despite knowing the end-date well in advance, I can never seem to get things sorted early. Buying presents in October (or even November) is a definite no-no... I just don't feel Christmassy enough to give it any real thought.
I resolved that this year, it would be different...
I did manage to order my Christmas cards early. I even went as far as buying the stamps. And yesterday, I printed out the address labels... but I haven't actually written any cards yet (apart from a handful which I gave out at school.) I guess they'll arrive in time for New Year... possibly...

I have actually succeeded in buying my presents before Christmas Eve. A whole 24 hours early. This is a major accomplishment, and I feel I ought to celebrate... and a bottle of Baileys is sitting in the cupboard making "Drink me!" noises. I'm a little tired, after trudging right around Bluewater shopping centre, so it's very tempting...
It would also be medicinal, as my suspicions have proved eerily accurate, and I have a scratchy throat, a tickly cough and a runny nose: the teachers' holiday bug has struck again, just in time for Christmas!
"Have a joyful Christmas" was the message in my Christmas cards this year. "^tide!" was my handwritten addition to the message. Didn't get 'em out in time, either. You're not the only one!
We in Bradford clearly breathe the same air (in response to Jane Teresa). I have had cards and stamps since October but have managed to write only one card. I'm thinking of getting out the cards by 12th.Night, or even tenth night to the first Sunday in January!
With my teacher's hat now on, my lesson planning is already well underway for January but I haven't yet made time to do the cards. At least they will be personalized this year.
I actually got a few cards out before Christmas and two people have already reported back that they got them! stunning accomplishment for me. I think it runs in the family. I will get one from my Aunt Anna on the 26th or 27th!
BTW, I had meant to leave you a note on your "my suspicions" vid. re: the ManFlu. VERY funny. And I finally figured out where I'd seen the girl before. Vicar of Dibley. The ditzy girl. She was perfect for the part! So hard to be the airhead without engendering rage! As to actual SHOPPING shopping? [For you men out there "shopping" is just puttering around looking for an item, i.e. go in, get it, leave - while "SHOPPING shoping" is "power shopping" best left more to women then men. i.e. combing the store looking for EXACTLY the 100% perfect thing...credit card reciepts left in the wake, swamping most men.]
It's been ages since I've been SHOPPING shopping. I inhertited my shopping gene from my dad. So I try and avoid the stores (except independents in out of the way places traffic wise) and do what shopping (for Christmas) on line and have them mail it either to me or the recipient. Saves my sanity, gas, and blessed time.
I don't think it's the same airhead, Gem, though there are similarities...
As for ordering online, well, that requires organisation and forward planning... and since I don't start to think about presents until just three days before Christmas...
Ah, see now, 10 days, and plenty of time to shop on line, AND get it there without paying exhorbitant 1 day FEDEX rate! ;-D
BTW, my mother used to HATE the way my dad and I Christmas shopped. "But you two are waiting until the last 2 days before Christmas, and all the GOOD stuff is GONE."
"uh, yeah, probably....dad almost went in and got you something extra ugly or extra small from Izod, but I stopped him just in time....what's the problem?"
Don't ask.
But then OTOH, just to make sure you get the reference.
I had to warn her ahead of time to be sure she didn't kill him and could maintain a straight face. My mom was a FABULOUS actress when need be.
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