The Mass was really wonderful, as was the party afterwards. A selection of photos can be seen on my Flickr page for the event.
I got there early enough to get a shot of the choir rehearsing beforehand...
The church really did look beautiful...
And at the end, Fr. Ray Blake kindly allowed me to take his photo...

One advantage of having taken so long to get the photos up is that I can also link to Fr. Tim Finigan's sermon, as well as to the official photos page, and to recordings of Bruckner's Locus Iste and the setting of Tu es Petrus which Tom Bennett composed especially for the Anniversary Mass. Awesome. Clare, who runs the choir at St. Mary Magdalen's, has some fantastic posts also, so do go and check her blog.
A what a silly fool he looks!
Much as it goes against the grain to disagree with a priest of Holy Mother Church, on this occasion, Father, I must respectfully beg to differ!
Some day he will be known as 'Blessed Blake of Brighton.'
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