I was in Westminster Cathedral this week, and what do you think was on sale?

Now, one might reasonably expect any magazine openly on sale within the confines of the Cathedral to be endorsed by the Cathedral authorities, no?
The presence in the Cathedral of this magazine, which is infamous for its attacks on the Holy Father and for its dissent from the Magisterium, is an utter disgrace.
Burn them!
That's a little harsh... The bishops aren't that bad...
The presence in the Cathedral of this magazine, which is infamous for its attacks on the Holy Father and for its dissent from the Magisterium, is an utter disgrace.
Print out the above and every time you go to the Cathedral leave the note on top of the pile.
On strictly business terms, one doesn't sell what isn't being purchased. Unfortunately, someone must be buying the Tablet for the Cathedral to continue to sell it... which is disturbing all around.
This must be an old photo, surely? I spy the old Ikea "table" with a frontal on it...
the Cathedral isn't a business; and my impression is that they don't in fact sell many copies of that detestable rag.
I think the publishers probably provide it - possibly even free - precisely so that they can say that it's 'on sale in Westminster Cathedral'.
However, I am not even vaguely surprised that it's available there; after all the Cathedral authorities aren't exactly that keen on doing things properly themselves, now are they ? 'Extraordinary' Ministers at virtually every Mass, at least on weekdays; and more often than not a laywoman responsible for removing Our Lord from the Tabernacle and replacing Him . . .
Sorry; but putting the Cathedral's house in order needs to start a long way above that loathsome publication.
With what has been going on with the UK Catholic Hierarchy for the last twelve months or as highlighted in the Catholic blogs and argued about 'till we're all worn out and blue in the face, this just doesn't surprise me any more and what's worse I'm beginning not to care much any more!
This lot is either napping 'while Rome burns' or culpable of the worst excesses of shacking up with the enemy! And NOTHING, NADA, seems to shift them! Not the Holy Father's words, not the desperate cries for help from their ravaged 'sheep', nor the brazen attacks on every aspect of Catholic Life by the secular powers and principalities in the UK.
So the Tablet is sold in the Cathedral - well so 'bloody well what'? Who gives a stuff? The Archbishop doesn't care, so why should the rest of us! He's our leader and if he thinks the Tablet is good ... well that's cool! Doesn't mean I have to read it...! Let the pin-head morons who want to spend a couple of squid on that 'fish-wrap' read it - perhaps in some unseen, mysterious way it'll do them some good! - Who knows?!
All I know is this - we've fought and bellowed and screamed foul on so many blog posts over all these months and ....... what?! NOTHING - THAT'S WHAT!
So I a'int bothering no more! Fed up of it all, fed up of Ed Balls, the CES, Sex Education, Catholic Schools, Euthanasia, the Media, the rotten Bishops (not all of them I know), the way the Holy Mass is dissed by liberal clergy and by lay-idiots who wanna be pretend priests by running about on the Sanctuary.........
Just give me peace.... leave me alone with my beloved Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form. It is only during the Latin Mass that I can find the tiniest glimpse of Heaven and some sense out of all this chaos in the world.
Underappreciated Medical Student - this photo was taken earlier this week.
Interesting to not how big the pile of copies is - maybe they aren't selling very well (hopefully!). ;-)
My parish priest regularly preaches against the Magisterium and criticises BXVI. He also promotes 'married priesthood - bring back those who have'; priesthood of the laity; women not held in high enough regard; etc. etc. Clifton Diocese!
I was in Westminster Cathedral some months ago, and noticed many great stacks of copies of the Tablet. The stacks of other papers were much smaller. I was again in Westminster Cathedral the other week and the position was reversed. Maybe, some tentative steps have been taken at reducing the number of copies. Alternatively, it may be that the Tablet has been selling well. I hope not.
Vincenzo, you are so very naughty...!
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