"...So often abortion is characterised as an issue which does not concern men at all. While the devestating effect that abortion has on many women is beginning to come to light, little attention is paid to the effect that it can have on men. Like women men have a part to play in building a culture of life. If we are to truly embrace life, all hearts must be converted."
The Confraternity blog can be found HERE.
Thanks Mac!
Wow, what a fabulous statue, do you know its location Mac?.
St Joseph, young and strong, as I always imagine him. A pillar of support as husband to Mary and a good role model for the growing boy, Jesus.
St Joseph, help us all as husbands and fathers to be ever more like you, faithful and consistent, wise and dependable. Help us to grow in love and holiness in the sight of God through our daily duties at home and at work.
I really liked the statue... it reminds me of the High Stations at Lourdes.
Unfortunately, I don't know where it is... though the Sisters of the Gospel of Life might (I nicked the photo from them!)
I've also just realised that a Sylvester lookalike is curled up at Mary's feet...
Oh Mac, I typed in Men and Abortion on google and it was depressing to find websites that actually tell a man how to be supportive to his partner who is having the abortion. How to find the best clinic etc and that sex should be avoided for two weeks after the abortion. Thank God for the sisters I just hope they can reach as many men as the secular webs do.
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