Alas! I was to be very disappointed. Not only did Fr. Tim say the Mass with his back to the people (thus preventing me from checking whether he had donned a red clown nose for the event) but he also omitted to do the comedy skit after the sermon on the subject of sheep and goats.
Of course, the last straw for me was the fact that I didn't get given any chocolate (Fairtrade or otherwise) ... not even a sniff of a cocoa bean appeared after Communion. Think of the loss of opportunities to exhort the congregation to avoid over-filling kettles and to use low-energy lightbulbs...
So now I'm sulking...
Yes, I know it's the wrong liturgical colour... but I couldn't find a suitable photo of Fr. Tim in white vestments, and I forgot to take one earlier...
Ah, but you should have come to Adoration and Evening Prayer in Romford ...
No Latin, I'm afraid, but 100+ children and their parents kneeling in adoration.
My catechesis used questions 51 and 53 of the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Look them up .... I thought it was quite a good way of subverting reclaimthefuture
.... I was able to tell the children that, down there on their knees, they were doing the most important thing in the world, the thing for which the world was created ...adoration of the Lord.
You were reeling me in with that first paragraph...I thought you'd finally lost it!
When the weather turns, Father's nose will be ruddy with the chill-no clown nose needed! And you still won't be able to see it!
Heheheheheh... But, Vincenzo, you forgot to change the chalice veil !
(and I shall never trust any photo you put up ever again!!)
Oops. Sorry :}
Now Ryde (IOW) has a new PP, we celebrated our "Yoof" with something very meaningful: Solemn Mass, procession of the Blessed Sacrament and day-long exposition. However, I don't think this was what Ecclestone Square had in mind.
Hush now on that "fairtrade" stuff. I had to google it - the libbies around here haven't got their peabrains around that yet...and I hope it stays that way.
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