I don't wish to comment on anything concerning Blackfen at the moment, other than to say that the accounts I have read on the blogosphere to date have been very restrained.
In the meantime, your prayers for all concerned would be greatly appreciated.
Me too.
Prayers from me too.
Not dead! Glad to hear it.
We're praying too.
Marcos Mattke
Seminarian from Brazil
I said Mass(EF)for the parishioners of Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen this morning.
Fr Richard Duncan CO
PS: Pushkin sends his love and prayers too.
Prayers from St. Louis
Assurance of prayers, Mac. Looking forward to reading your blog when you can find the time.
Missed you, and the mogs, of course.
Praying for Blackfen.
"This blog isn't dead yet" is very good news!
And at least some of your fans are very happy to read updated feline news.
With my prayers.
Ditto all the sentiments above. I had always thought I'd get to go to a Tridentine mass at Blackfen (from Georgia, USA) someday. I'll hold that thought and pray that it may still happen. Times are tough, but I'm in the midst of Newman's Apologia at the moment, and one of the takeaways for me is that they always have been, in many different ways and in many places. May the Lord raise up saints equal to the tasks of our times!
Prayers rising from Ohio, U.S.A. for Blackfen. Good to know you'll keep the blog up and running! ~ Rosemary
Mac. London buses are your friend, as is Chiselhurst.
160 from Sidcup Station to Chiselhurst common is in particular your friend:
GPS based accurate Live bus information is available, even from a mobile so no waiting around at bus stops wondering if the bus will ever appear see: http://countdown.tfl.gov.uk/#/
South East London Bus Map Here: http://www.tfl.gov.uk/cdn/static/cms/documents/bus-route-maps/south-east-london-bus-map.pdf
TfL Journey planner here: http://journeyplanner.tfl.gov.uk/user/XSLT_TRIP_REQUEST2?language=en
Good luck.
There is also a very good Android app that shows bus times. You can even select favoureite bus stops and show them on a widget on your mobile phone "front page" in the same way as live departure displays are shown at stations and bus stops;
Its Called "Simple London Bus"
Glad your blog is not dead.
Praying for Blackfen. Would like to read your "Take" on events there, if you could write without too much stress to yourself.
Be of good heart
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