indomitable Fr. Z rose splendidly to
the challenge (I thought he might: his dispute with
Fr. Longenecker over
clerical accoutrements resulted in "
blog-posts at dawn" until gentlemanly honour was satisfied...)
A quick look at his blog revealed that he posted at 1:20am local time. I made a comment to thank him, and saw that the UK is about 6 hours ahead. So, any stats spike should appear at, say 7am-ish over here...

Ummm, yup... bang on!
hope this helps!
btw, I've put nice 'letter to the editor' from our Catholic newspaper in Corpus Christi on my blog. (one of our diocese' priests had disparaged pro-life vigils at the local abortion clinic in a previous column and a woman responded)
Faithful Fr. Z. minion here, and I must absolutely now include you amongst my blog links. The Sam the Eagle video is hysterical!
I must say, I'm a regular reader of yours, anyway, but I thought it would be fun to arrive via FrZ today. Long live the spikes!
Thanks for the support... I must say it has been fun reading the hymn titles...
My blog ended up on the New Advent site and I ended up with over 600 visitors in one day! I don't even know how I ended up on there. Pleasant surprise though. Everybody has been directed to this link:
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