Back in June, I posted a snippet on what a "kick-ass" Cardinal the Aussies in Sydney had. In addition to the idea of starting a Cardinal Pell fanclub (there are at least two now on Facebook) I also suggested that we might want to petition for him to sort out the Church in England & Wales when Cardinal Murphy O'Connor resigns...
Today's Catholic Herald therefore makes for very interesting reading: Cardinal Pell has been added to the list of possible successors by Paddy Power, the Irish bookmakers. And at 10-1, he's not exactly an outsider...
...excuse me a minute, I just need to go and place a bet...
very old pic of HE... sadly he doesn't look that good at the moment.
We really, really need him. But unfortunately I think the Aussie's need him too.
In my darkest moments I think England and Wales (and possibly Scotland too) are Laodician and will go the same way; There is no Church in Laodicea...
On my brighter days I remember the blood of the martyrs and have hope there is a real shepherd out there that Papa has an eye on for us.
I do not understand the legend that has developed about Pell. He has no interest in liturgy. Is a bit of a bully. Even towards his friends. His only interest is doctrine. While he occasionaly might say the Old Mass, it is not with much conviction. Only to keep some of his supporters onside. You would not like him in the UK. Believe me I know him.
So, anon, his only interest is in Doctrine! Well, he's pretty sound on that score!
A bit of a bully!
Well, he certainly doesn't stand any nonsense.
No one is perfect but he's better than most.
'Anonymous' are you an Australian? if so shame on you! Cardinal Pell may appear to be a 'bully' to you - but I think that is forcefulness of character - his conferes could learn from him! And as for only occasionally saying the Old Mass to keep 'his supporters onside' - the way he dishes it out to NSW politicians etc., I really believe he is more of 'his own man' than that! So what appears 'as small steps' at present; with time and God's grace will be great strides worthy of this Cardinal. Give him a go! and say a few prayers for him instead! Telesia - Australian and proud of it!
How many years are left for Cardinal Murphy O'Connor? Just curious...
Westminster have had some "good" incumbants over the years;politically safe, everyone liking them & the result is, a mess as occured! This guy sounds like he has the passion of 18th century Jesuit; if so:BRING HIM ON!
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