It is to decide what to call the Mass, formerly referred to as the Traditional Rite, the Tridentine Rite, the Classical Rite, or the Old Latin Mass, or a heap of other soubriquets...
Since Summorum Pontificum has made it clear that there is only ONE Latin Rite, though there are two different forms, it becomes rather crucial to know how to refer to the Mass celebrated according to the Missal of Blessed John XXIII...
Fr. Z held a preliminary poll (which counted as the Primaries) and now there is a run-off between the top three: the Extraordinary form/use, the Traditional Latin Mass or TLM or, finally, the Tridentine Mass. Fr Z asked all bloggers to link to the poll, to get a better feel for public opinion... It is likely that all my readers will already have read Fr Z (and voted), but just in case (and to show willing) you can access the poll HERE.
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