His feast is December 7th. I was delighted to see that he is the patron of candle-makers (I adore candles, and get quite peeved when I realise how they have become associated with dodgy liturgy!) The association with candles is because he was known as the honey-tongued Doctor, for his eloquence, and pictures often show bees... (bees = beeswax, wax = candles... come on, people, keep up!)
Ambrose was also a writer of liturgical hymns. Given his stance against the Arians, he would probably approve of my position on dodgy and heretical hymns, which must be why he picked me!

And, last but not least, as Bishop of Milan, St. Ambrose helped to convert St. Augustine...
You can read more HERE and check out some of his writings.
Many, many thanks to Moneybags for doing this - there are an awful lot of Bloggers who want to be picked by their own personal saint, so the work involved is phenomenal!!
If you didn't spot my previous post on being picked by a Patron Saint, then pop on over to A Catholic Life and post a comment asking to have a saint allocated.
Wonderful, Mac! I've just been picked by mine...
It's OK, Mac - candles are also associated with sound liturgy. You just don't scent them and float them in a bowl. LOL
...and it seems that boxes of tissues have their uses too (like waving goodbye to statues...)
I may have to re-think the DIY liturgy kit.
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