First, and most importantly, a couple of photos of Sir Dan of the Nesbitry:

He was very keen to tell me that tomorrow (Saturday) is his birthday - news that he agreed to keep from Fr Tim in order to aid me in my attempts to get a blogging "scoop" ! He wouldn't tell me how old he is, but did suggest that I run a competition in the com-box to see if anyone can guess... so that is this week's challenge!
And then there are two pictures of Sir Dan manning the Faith bookstall: first, the reflective eyeing up of likely customers to gauge whether he can sell them anything...

...and then he moves in for the kill: that poor unsuspecting soul hasn't got a chance of getting away without buying at least one pamphlet!

I mentioned how impressive it was to have 29 priests concelebrating... well, this is what it looked like from the choir-loft:

Ok, I'm shattered. More tomorrow!
How do they all fit on the Altar?
LOL... actually they fit on the Sanctuary...
...a bit like the tardis... it's bigger than it looks. I'm going to put up a few more photos a bit later, so you can see!
Thanks. I look forward to it!
Great quality for mobile phone photos. They really enhance the light!
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