I have bought Christmas cards a-plenty. All really nice religious cards.
And then I have omitted to write any. Or I wrote them and forgot to send them.
Last year, I had a bit of a strop because the Post Office "ran out" of Christmas stamps (the religious ones, that is!) and so I sulked and didn't quite get round to posting any cards.
Leutgeb's organisational skills have shamed me into resolving to do better this year.
Two weeks ago I managed to buy stamps - and got the proper Christmas stamps. I have loads and loads of pristine cards, unearthed during my tidying up earlier in the year.
But that was as far as I'd got.
So, this evening, I thought I'd make the effort to print out the address labels. I have all my contact addresses on computer, lovingly typed, and so didn't particularly want to write out a whole load of envelopes by hand....
Unfortunately, because my phone uses Microsoft Outlook as the default address program, I have the same program on my computer. And the version of Outlook is, for some reason known only to Bill Gates, incompatible with my (newer) version of Word. And Outlook won't allow me to do a mail merge unless I have the right (older) version of Word...
It has taken me the best part of two and a half hours to sort out the compatibility issues. That means I have spent 150 minutes printing out 50 labels... which works out at 3 minutes per label...
I'm now tired and irritable. Actually writing the cards will now have to wait until another day... hopefully before 2010!
1 comment:
Don't forget to buy another lot of stamps - for next year.
Last year I had to insist on boring old queen's heads.
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