Excellent stuff.
I've decided to stir things a little.

His Hermeneuticalness, celebrating his first million hits on his blog this lunchtime, was seen to be sporting a rather swish ferraiuolo. Yes, I know he should have been wearing his biretta, but I didn't know about the fight then. And, although he's not walking on water, he was certainly responsible for ensuring that the bar didn't run out of beer...
So, if I can't be a traddy womynpriest, I'm appointing myself as umpire. In a mantilla. The rules are as follows... first one to appear in cassock, ferraiuolo, buckled shoes and soup-plate hat wins.

I'm loving those pictures!
I think your suggestion about the buckled shoes is key. :)
I am disappointed: the line said, "Fr. Z, after a brie..." Naturally, I expected a picture of Fr. Z. (asleep?) having single-handedly consumed a whole Brie.
"first one to appear in cassock, ferraiuolo, buckled shoes and soup-plate hat wins." Have you checked the pope's website?
[I still think the bottom pic of his hermeneuticalness takes the all-time cake. That is one cool picture.
BTW, if they make a remake of The Exorcist, Fr. L. for the priest!
That's awesome, Vincenzo. :) I love how calm and collected His Hermeneuticalness remains. And that Fr. Z and Fr. L are fighting on the same side here against that dreaded liturgical abuse, the Halloween Mass.
"... first one to appear in cassock, ferraiuolo, buckled shoes and soup-plate hat wins"
You've met Fr Bede Rowe, i take it.
Vincenzo - LOL
Ttony - yup. Merton last Summer.
Mac :)
Hehe thanks. Great interpretation:)
Very good to meet you on Saturday, Mac, at Father Tim's Millionth party. My little dog, in reality a coward, is planning a 'Bashing Sebastian' blog, on which (he says) he will very soon get a million hits ...
Thanks also for telling me about the 'little feet' Life symbol.
Good to meet you too, Delia. It's always fun to put faces to the names I see online... or backs of heads.
BTW, who is Sebastian?
I thought Sebastian was the name of your cat?!! Sorry, that was the whole point.
Oh, sorry, Sylvester, of course!! It's because I was browsing through 'Brideshead' again yesterday evening!
Is that the "traditional" Fr. Finigan holding a pint of Carling in a vase?
Ottaviani - LOL. No, definitely Real Ale, but the club doesn't have jugs. Sometimes one just has to slum it...
Fr Dwight does look a little like vincent price in Witchfinder general ; but don't tell him I said it...
I await the full clerical dress c/w soup plate hat. Brings back memories of the '90's, when two venerable figures could be spotted at times wearing these in London - Fr. Jean-Marie Charles-Roux (then at Ely Place), and the late Mgr. Alfred Gilbey (Requiescat). It would be great to see something of a revival - come on, Fathers!
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