The more I hear and read about this guy, the more I love him. I mean, an "authorised" biography (must be... Monsignor Ganswein wrote the foreward) written from the point of view of a cat. That is just so cute...
Unfortunately I have to wait for the English translation. I wonder if it will take as long as the English translation of the Missal?
Chico is actually his neighbour's cat, Rupert and Therese Hofbauer's, but people say that he considers Josef Ratzinger's place as his second home.
I can't think where, but I am sure that idea has been done already!
You could always just look at the pictures ....
Howabout we all get it, and use it to learn Italian?
Malcolm, you may be thinking of the books Barbara Bush had done with C. Fred Bush [when GHWBush was still vice president under Ronaldus Magnus] and then the later book "done by" Millie Bush, the later being the White House dog when the senior Bush was president. IIRC The book made more money than the president was given in salary that year. [The proceeds from both books all went to charity.] On of the puppies featured in that book was also the current president's dog until recently when it died a couple years ago.
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