The disadvantage of such a routine is that my body seems to recognise Saturday night... and I usually find that I am pretty much awake until about 2am. It's not a problem, unless, for some reason, I want to switch to an early Mass... if, for example, there is a Latin Mass on in the parish...
Last night, my body was convinced it was Saturday night. I didn't get to bed until 1:30am. It took me half an hour to settle down (partly because of the menagerie trying to share my bed... more on that later!) which made it 2am...

This was, in my opinion, possible. A small sacrifice for the privilege of attending a Latin Novus Ordo Mass... and I have survived on 4 hours' sleep before...
...unfortunately, I had forgotten about British Summer Time. The clocks went forward an hour. Which meant that 6am this morning was actually 5am in body clock terms...
3 hours' sleep in a night is not really something I'd recommend.
Ouch! 3 hours; that's not very good.
Still I would love to see your Latin Novus Ordo some time. :)
Three hours? That's just being lazy!
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