Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Should I Stop The Kitten Posts?

This blog uses the First Past The Post voting method, and the answer was thus a definite "No!"

32% of voters thought that my current "Cat-a-holic to Catholic" ratio was just fine. 20% of voters actually seem to read the blog specifically for the kitty updates and want more, but I think I shall resist the temptation...


Jane said...

Pope Benedict loves cats. Say no more! But give us endless pics of the kits!


Patricius said...

The Pope a Cat-a-holic! Someone should alert him to this blog!

Deo volente said...

I notice that Amy Wellborn who writes "Charlotte was Both" began to put photos of her travels into her blog. Suddenly today, she has begun another blog called "booked" which emphasizes travel, has beautiful photos and is geared towards traveling and how to get the best travel bargains. She intends to continue "Charlotte was Both" as she wills.

Mulier Fortis is a great blog and you are very talented! Perhaps you might wish to begin another blog devoted more solely to the kittens? You could have a contest to see what to call it!

Your humble servant and etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

Whoopee! Democracy works! Well done, Mulier and Felix!

Gregg said...

No, please don't stop. My wife and I love cats and they definitely contribute positively to a blog.

Anonymous said...


Genty said...

Glad to learn who's boss in your house. And that Miaowrini - such a MINX

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