The fact that my brain is even more scrambled than usual was brought home to me on Friday. There was a bit of a get-together for the staff, and they had a draw for the Rugby World Cup. I decided that I might as well have a bash, and so put my name in.
When my name was called out along with the country drawn, I looked round at the others in my department: "Ok, I know nothing about rugby. Are they any good?"
I was a little taken aback by the mirth. And then my one surviving brain cell kicked in.
New Zealand... also known as the All Blacks. I believe they're "quite good..."

classic! Mac, I don't even follow Rugby and even I know "they're really good." :-D
Glad you're liking the new job. Don't ever let them see you sweat. ;-D
Mac, what you do is after the semi-finals, you go to your local bookies and have a bet on the other team. You check the odds and select your stake in such a way so that you are guaranteed a profit.
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