Another Friday night, and another friend suggested that we go to see the new Simpsons' film. We arrived a little late (my fault... ) but only appeared to miss the adverts, trailers and the very beginning of the film (though I suspect I won't know for certain until the DVD comes out!)
If you enjoy the TV series, you'll enjoy the film. I was a little surprised that it was so focussed on the Simpsons themselves - I'd expected more to be made of Krusty, Mr Burns, Moe and some of the other characters.

The scene where Bart skateboards naked down the street for a dare was made much of in various reviews, but was very much a kiddy-giggle moment. More disturbing was the quick scene of two policemen kissing - it was totally unnecessary to the plot... and strangely, although there had been much publicity surrounding the nude scene (with comments as to how, if the American censors threatened to raise the certificate because of it, the scene would be cut) I hadn't heard
anything about the homosexuality bit. Another example of how homosexuality is being presented as just another "lifestyle option"? It soured the film for me - and I'm not likely to keep the DVD as a treat to show my students at the end of the year. It's a real shame, as the film as a whole is a very entertaining bit of nonsense.
I saw the film this week too, I thought the policwe man bit was very odd. Additionally I felt far too frequent usage of the Lord's name in vain- more than I can ever remember being in any episode.
To be quite honest Mac we don't allow ours to watch it...
I took my niece, nephew and son to see it. I was very disturbed by the rated R movie preview they show as well as the scene with the policemen kissing. I went reluctantly but thought some of it was pretty funny.
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