Monday 1 September 2008

Lies, Damned Lies & Dentistry...

Yes, I went. Yes, it WAS as bad as I feared. The jury is still out on whether or not it was actually worse than I anticipated. Yes, it was painful. Yes, I do have to go again...

Why is it that, when dentists say "Now, raise your hand if you get any pain," and you then dutifully raise your hand, they look surprised and demand to know what is wrong?

I then yelped (involuntarily) when I got a sharp pain in my gum. The dentist protested that he hadn't touched the gum, he was drilling away the tooth... but I noticed that I spat out a load of blood afterwards... and later inspection in my rear-view mirror revealed that the gum had been nicked. I'm still bleeding.


I now have to wait for the crown to be made. I also need to go back and get some more fillings sorted out. This had better equate to time off Purgatory...

Thanks for all the prayers!


  1. Anonymous11:43 am

    Now let me see, what would I good response be. If I were a liberal it could be "I feel your pain". But I am not a liberal. Perhaps "There, there. Being younger and part of the flouride generation I do not have any fillings or teeth problems at all. Oh well, grin and bear it!"

    Seriously though, I hope it gets better soon.

  2. Change your dentist! Mine always stops if I so much as wince and offers me another injection, which is bearable because I know there'll be no mor pain afterwards.

    Not to mention that he's Italian (I think) with perfect English and drop-dead gorgeous. If I wre even 30 years younger....... Ah well, 'Sigh!' as you would say!

    Seriously, do consider a change.
    All best

  3. Anonymous12:48 pm

    Wow Mac you've made it. Something to lighten your tooth problems. You have achieved something amazing. Yes, Damian Thompson has written a blog article about YOU!!!!! And he calls your blog Fantastic. You are now, officially, persona non grata with the Bishops' Conference. Well done!

  4. So sorry that it did not go well. Here's a little cyber-hug. Perhaps the worst is over, though.

  5. Anonymous4:55 pm

    My prayers are with you. I do hope that the next visit to the dentist is not as painful and it is your last visit.

  6. Anonymous5:31 pm

    OW! Sorry to hear it didn't go too well. :(

  7. It seems to me that your dentist is trying to pay off that summer villa, maybe?
