Monday 1 September 2008

Je Suis Arrivée...

Fr. Steven Fisher kindly alerted me to the fact that I have "arrived" in the world of Catholic Blogdom... I rated a mention on Holy Smoke, Damian Thompson's excellent Telegraph blog.

It must be a quiet news week...


So, if you have popped over from Mr. Thompson's blog, Welcome! Please take note: I have a very high opinion of women, their intelligence and their characteristics. Hardly surprising, given that I am one. I do, however, hold a pretty poor opinion of the type of woman who, while dissenting from everything the Church has taught for nigh on 2000 years, claims to be a faithful member of that Church.

I hold a pretty poor opinion of that type of man too. Hey, does that mean I have an "equal opportunities" policy on my blog??

Another note of caution: comments which are abusive or demonstrate that the writer has had a sense-of-humour bypass will be deleted, as will those with poor grammar, punctuation or spelling. Of course, I could be being wildly over-optimistic in assuming that I'll get any comments...


  1. Anonymous4:37 pm

    Hey I dropped in from the Holy Smoke blog (Damian Thompson) who recommended your blog. I just want to say that your b-site looks excellent!

  2. Grammer, puncuation AND spelling??? Thus ends my commenting career. (Or do I fall under a grandfather clause?)

  3. Thanks Dan... very kind!

    No, rjw, you get an exemption under a "regular commenter" clause...


  4. Anonymous2:25 am

    Mulier Fortis said:

    "I do, however, hold a pretty poor opinion of the type of woman who, while dissenting from everything the Church has taught for nigh on 2000 years, claims to be a faithful member of that Church"

    that's why this Catholic mother wears...


    I fight the flesh.
    The world's no test.
    When I fight the devil
    I'm at my best.

    But combat boots,
    Size 8 for me,
    When fighting modern

  5. Heh, Mac, you're famous! Did you see that there were over 200 comments on that Holy Smoke post? While I'm here, good luck with the new term and I hope you settle in well to your new room.
