Sunday 31 August 2008

Prayers Needed... (Again!)


I have to go back to the dentist in the morning. My temporary fillings (from a fortnight ago) need to be made into permanent ones. I got to this stage once before (a few years ago) and didn't complete the treatment, and the temporary fillings disintegrated...

...and the fillings I had put in this time feel very temporary, as I can detect the rough edges where the filling ends and the tooth begins with my tongue...

...but I'm not in pain...

...and so the thought of going along to put myself into the chair so that the dentist can inflict all sorts of nasties isn't very appealing.

I know, I know... I'll regret it if I don't go.

And yes, I shall use the time to contemplate the Four Last Things. And I will offer it up.

But a prayer or two would be greatly appreciated... mostly to ensure that I don't find an excuse not to go... like oversleeping (and missing the appointment) or not finding a parking space (and missing the appointment) or forgetting about the appointment (and missing the appointment)...

(I figured that, if you all knew about it, then I wouldn't be able to chicken out...!)


  1. :-D good move. Now the rest of us will hound you if you don't go. [Seriously see if you can take a radio with ear phones. It does help. You can turn it up just so you won't hear the worst of it. ]

    I'll light a candle for you tonight. [Or will a bonfire be necessary?]

  2. A single candle is more than I deserve... thanks, Karen!

    ...and yes, I guessed that I'd get hounded. Nothing like making a statement of intent to make sure you get something done!


  3. Anonymous11:15 pm

    I sympathise entirely, having just had a rather sore filling done before I left on my travels to ****** !

  4. As my Dad used to say, "Fifty years from now you won't even remember it."

  5. I'll say a decade for you. Divine Mercy appropriate?

    Make sure you go!
