Sunday 29 July 2007

Blogging Tonight !

I'm just back from a very enjoyable evening spent in the company of Joanna Bogle. She had asked me to take a photo or two, as she needed something to use as publicity for her sponsored cycle ride. I don't have a digital camera, but my mobile phone is pretty snazzy, and so, with the promise of dinner ringing in my ears, I hopped into the car and drove over. We had a short photo-shoot in the garden (luckily this was before it started to pour down with rain) and discussed the relative merits of standing in front of flowers versus a garden shed (the flowers, in my opinion, won hands down!)

After dinner, we got to discuss all things blogospherical, and I tried to find out why she had been unable to use the titles for her posts, (Joanna has the same template as me, albeit in a different colour) as detailed instructions from blogging supremo Fr. Finigan had failed to resolve the problem. Like most blogging issues, it was startlingly easy once you knew where to look: the title field had been switched off in the template.

While I was there, Joanna also updated her template, and changed the colour from girly pink to green (her childhood favourite colour.) She also got to grips with photos. Pop on over to check out the new-look Auntie Joanna Writes.


  1. the title field had been switched off in the template.

    Bangs head on wall repeatedly. How on earth did that happen? I didn't even know you could turn off the title field :-) You have done a great service to the blogoshpere by clearing this up! Just looked at the blog - aaah that;s better!

  2. any chance of having a look at my blog sometime - feeling pretty lonely over at mine...
    [on the side of the angels]

  3. Green is good, the pink was a little... on the eyes!
