Sunday 29 July 2007

Menu For My Favourite Saints...

Mark over at Rise and Pray has tagged me for a fiendishly difficult meme:

If you could invite your five favourite saints to dinner, what would you serve them to eat, and why?

Naturally he has already snaffled the omelette option... although I notice that he squirmed out of giving a proper reason as to why he felt that scrambled eggs would be particularly suitable for his un-named dinner guests...

I'm going to cheat a little: these are not necessarily my favourite saints (I have soooooo many) but they are the ones who seemed to suggest their own menus...

St. Bernadette would get lamb chops - she was a shepherdess when in Bartres, geddit? St. Jude would be offered a club sandwich (I believe he was beaten to death with his wooden staff.) St. Laurence gets his choice of the mixed grill, while St. Edmund Campion might enjoy a dish of tripe.

St. Peter would, naturally, be offered the Dover sole....

Ok, those choices were so ghastly that I hardly dare to tag anyone...
...but I would really like to hear what the Cavemen would make of it, not to mention the Curt Jester...

UPDATE: Oooooh, these guys are quick off the mark. Must be a quiet news day! You can read the Caveman's menu here, and the Curt Jester's one there! Thanks, chaps!


  1. Anonymous9:49 am

    I would invite Saint Teresa and let her do the cooking. If her peers were to be believed Teresa was no mean cook! She fed 'her girls' very well. On her regular trips making foundations she always made the pack horse drivers little foody treats every evening.

    It was Teresa who said that God was to be found in the pots and pans of the kitchen just as in the chapel.

  2. DONE!!

  3. St Joseph – Salmon, which had been smoked over high quality wood shavings.

    St Francis of Assisi - Must be vegetarian, possibly a nut roast.

    St John Fisher - perhaps Dover Soul (I mean Sole!)

    St Paul - Chicken in a basket (cf Acts 9:25)

    St Cuthbert – (Hermit) Crab Salad

    St Peter - Rock Cakes

    St John the Baptist - I'd definitely avoid the Boar's Head for dinner. Maybe I'd invite him for breakfast and give him Honey Puffs.

  4. Anonymous5:07 pm

    Can I suggest a delicious fish called John Dory for Saint Peter. It has a dark mark on the skin either side of the back of the head and these are called Saint Peter's finger prints. I don't really know the detail of the tale, but the fish itself is hideously ugly but with delicious firm, white flesh. I can imagine St. Peter cooking it on the grill for Our Lord and the others and serving it with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon!
