Saturday 28 July 2007

Hey... Quiz Time Again

Ok, because it's Saturday, and I'm about to go out to visit Auntie Joanna for real rather than just on the Blogosphere, here's a little quiz. Sorry, I didn't see if there was one for the chaps... (Now, which story was Elinor Dashwood in? I can't seem to recall her!) Twitch of the mantilla to Cate who's having a silly Saturday all of her own... I particularly liked her recipe for apple pie!

You scored as Elizabeth Bennet, As one of Austen's most beloved characters, Elizabeth Bennet represents what most women would like to become: strong, independent, and loyal. Of course, she has her faults including a stubborn will of iron and a clinging to first impressions. Overall, Lizzie is bright and lovable...something to admire and aspire to.

Elizabeth Bennet


Elinor Dashwood


Emma Woodhouse


Jane Bennet


Marianne Dashwood


Lady Catherine


Charlotte Lucas


Which Jane Austen Character are You? (For Females) Long Quiz!!!
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  1. Anonymous8:09 pm

    Elinor was one of the two sisters in Sense and Sensibility. Having never read a Jane Austen novel I had to look it up. Here's what I found.

    "Published in 1811, this novel featured two sisters of varying temperaments, Elinor and Marianne. At their father's death left without fortune, they are left to pursue love, loss and life in their different manners."

    And there is the literature lesson for today! :)

  2. I scored Elizabeth Bennett 69% too. And then Elinor and Emma tied at 56% -- sheesh, Mac we must be 8th cousins or something. ;-D
