Thursday 29 October 2009

That Time Of Year Again...

I was pretty surprised to note that November is nearly upon us. I mean, I knew it was the end of October, and that November follows October... but I hadn't quite connected the two.

There are only five weeks to go before I renew my vows.

After consultation with His Hermeneuticalness, I have opted to celebrate this on the first Saturday of December rather than sticking to a particular date: the visiting schola are here in the parish for the Missa Cantata, and they can help chant the Litany of Saints... and then there is the bun fight in the Large Hall afterwards.

I can't believe that it's been seven years...

If you are in the vicinity of Blackfen on December 5th, feel free to drop in. Mass is at the usual Saturday time of 10:30am, followed by Benediction, and my renewal of vows will happen after that, at about 12 noon. It's a short ceremony, so lunch will be at 12:30pm. I'm hoping that it will be possible to have the bar open as well. If you are planning to attend, can you let me know in the com-box (to give an idea of numbers for catering purposes) but please don't feel that you can't just show up...


  1. Just a virtual beer for me, Mac - I'll be with you in spirit. [I thought you just did these or was I hallucination?]

  2. Either you're getting confused - I put it on Facebook too - or the years are coming around faster...


  3. Hi Mac..are there other single women who take these vows? Can you explain what they are & why for a year as we have single women here might find them Fr tim the one who hears these vows? Can other Parish Priests do the same? Are they part of a particular charism?

  4. Jackie, I've posted on the vows before... but to save you the hassle, you can find the info HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE...


  5. Anonymous2:16 pm

    Being an international man of mystery, I have no idea where I might be; but, if I'm in the neighbourhood, I'll be there. If not, be assured of prayers!!

  6. May I let you know nearer the time? I have to be at my godson's school in Barnes in the afternoon, and not sure what time, but I hope I'll be able to come to the lunch for a little bit. Will come to the Mass anyway.
