Friday 30 October 2009

Showing Up The Parents...

My sister and her husband decided not to have their children baptised: I'm busy praying that it's a case of "not yet" rather than "not ever." We shall see.

I have made a few tentative overtures: glow-in-the-dark rosaries made an appearance on my recent visit, as did a little story book telling the events of the Nativity. This went down particularly well with my sister.

"Oh good," she exclaimed. "We'll start reading that one immediately!"

I was a little surprised by the response... however, it seems that last year, visiting the in-laws, Grandma had all the cousins around the crib, and she was telling the children all about Christmas.

"And, of course, we all know whose birthday it is on Christmas Day, don't we?"

To which my eldest nephew gleefully shouted out the answer:



  1. How old are the kids?

  2. Last Christmas (when the eldest nephew embarrassed his parents) the eldest was two years, and the other was nine months.

    Not sure about the other grandchildren being talked to around the crib... (I find it difficult to keep track of my brother-in-law's nephews and nieces!)

