Wednesday 26 November 2008

If You Should Be Thinking Of Buying Me A Present...

...I want one of these, to assist me in my plan to become a traddy womynpriest! Shame that it doesn't seem to include biretta, chasuble, amice, maniple, burse or chalice veil, but I'm sure I can get those from somewhere...

Twitch of the mantilla to the Curt Jester.


  1. Anonymous7:34 pm

    on a more serious note, I'd've blanched if I'd been given that as a child. Fine, kids want to play "Mass", but they sure want nicer things! (I demanded all the family silver!)

  2. Hey, *real wyminpriests* MAKE their own by buying kente cloth from wherever they make that stuff in Africa!

    (WHERE are the necco wafers to use for the host? Those worked great.]

  3. Ah, but Karen... I'm a TRADDY womynpriest, and I like nice liturgical stuff, see??


  4. Would that be the Bing Crosby biretta or the Al Pacino beretta, madam?

  5. Mother: Why not go all white with the Norbertinette chapeau?

    MAc And ditch the plastic case. Surely there has to be something nicer from Louis Vuitton? You'll also need waterford crystal, a solid gold cross...where to get the chalice and ciborium and thurible? (the incense you can swipe from church, or shake down the altar servers.) Is there are Goldfarb and Son in the 'hood? And as for the missal, you probably know it by heart already. Why carry a heavy bag if you don't have to?
