Monday 24 November 2008

I Don't Believe It...

Is your cat plotting to kill you?
Sylvester just wouldn't... I'm sure he wouldn't...

Well, not while there's no-one else to open the catfood pouches...

Twitch of the mantilla to Jackie of Mother's Pride for the link!


  1. Is a fun quiz. Some questions made me laugh!I have 2 female cats. And the result is that there is a 74%they are plotting to kill me. Just like you, I DON'T believe it!!!

  2. I tried it and got 91%!!!! But I did answer that I thought Oliver was " very, very, very evil". I'm sure it is true; he is always plotting to kill the neighbours, the postman, the dog, every other cat in the village, so why not me?

  3. No way. My cats are planning to kill each other.

  4. I don't believe it either. I think there is a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT chance your cats are trying to kill you all!

    They were born that way! Some of them can just hide it a little better.

  5. I bet they tried to trip you at the top of the stairs too. Admit it!

  6. 67% chance here for my office cat.

    I'm sure if I ran the other one through it would be 100% and I'd just rather not know...
