Sunday 30 March 2008

I Just DON'T Believe It !

Here I am, quietly reading through my favourite blogs, when suddenly I become aware of a spray of water hitting the back of my (bare) leg.

It's the cat. Only he isn't soaking wet... he's shaking his paw at me.

The paw is wringing wet, but the rest of him is completely dry...

And the paw-shaking seems to be totally deliberate. He didn't shake his paw until he crossed the room and got to my chair.

I'm being victimised by my cat...

UPDATE: I just checked - Sylvester's food bowl was empty. The water bowl wasn't...


  1. Anonymous10:00 pm

    Oh Mac, that is classic! Thank you!

  2. Cute kitteh!! My "office cat", Erica, likes to drool to show her love. When she gets really wet and drooly she shakes her head and sprays my screen and me with, well, drool. Bleh! So - things could be worse.

    Which is way better than when she rubs my keyboard and erases everything I've spent an hour writing. Kitteh Stew for dinner.

  3. Well maybe as a good Catholic cat he was practising aspersion.

  4. Anonymous11:22 pm

    PC found her way into the church last night during the final hymn (I think she used the opportunity afforded by those who must always leave Mass immediately after Holy Communion, no matter how long or short the Mass is!), brazenly walked across the sanctuary, eyeing the congregation with her customary feline disdain, went right up to the vat of Easter Water....and had a good drink!

  5. Ok - check out the post ---- all fixed!

  6. nc - Oh I wish I could have been there. How wonderful.

    jeff - I never considered myself as being blessed rather than drooled on. Guess that means no kitteh stew for dinner.

  7. Remember, no cat has ever pulled anyone from a burning building. AND if they happen to wake you during case of fire, rest assured it is not for any feeling for was simply because you were between them and room egress. But if you want to keep harboring them.... ;-D
