Saturday 29 March 2008

THAT Time Of Year Again...

I completely forgot that British Summer Time starts tonight...

And the clocks go FORWARD so I lose an hour's sleep. Rats. I'm finding it difficult enough to get up in the morning as it is!!


  1. It's the day for cat pictures, for sure!

  2. LOL @ the photo maybe it spotted Hillary on the campaign trail lol!!! As for our clocks we go back an hour next weekend thank goodness!

    Peace & fun

    Marie heehee

  3. :-D we've been on daylight savings time since the first Sunday in's the first thing congress has ever done for me personally. And thank you, Ben Franklin!

  4. An hour here or there doesn't make much difference when you're woken by biological clocks of various infants. What does make a difference, is the time that Better Half takes to go round the house changing all the clocks when we should all be getting ready for Mass... We made it in good time, even so (largely because the 'emergency nappy-change' time was not needed this morning - phew!).

    Does Sylvester waken you for breakfast at the same time each day? How do you train a cat to switch to BST?
